Friday, October 2, 2015

Five on Friday: I'm Still Learning

I've made mistakes this week. I've said things I wish I hadn't. I've been frustrated with myself. It's been a pretty challenging week in a lot of ways. At the same time, in the midst of everything, I've had a lot of time to think and reflect. I still am (and will always be) a work in progress, and if you're anything like me, you may feel like you have to have it all figured out. But don't fear, friends; our imperfections and our failures are a great, humbling reminder that we aren't perfect. One of the goals in my tagline is to learn fearlessly, at all stages and ages. And so, on this lovely Friday, here are five things I'm still learning. 
Photo: Lacey Rene Studios
1. I'm still learning how to be patient.
I've been thinking really hard about patience lately. Whether it's at school, on the softball field, or just in conversations with others, I've really been learning a lot about how to show grace to others while also speaking up when the time is right. Lord willing, I'm seeking to stretch myself in this area and to really love on others over and over again, even when it's not easy. Sometimes it's hard to keep this up and I find myself growing impatient over the dumbest things. But I'm learning, and I'm trying (which is half the battle, right?)

2. I'm still learning how to balance technology and life.
Currently, Kelsie has been such a fun part of life since January. I didn't really start taking it seriously until around April, and since then I have seen just how much work blogging really takes. It's super fun and super worth it to share my heart and words with you lovely people in the hope of being real, living fully, and encouraging others. At the same time, it can be very time consuming, and require a lot on "screen time" that takes away from time in other areas (or sleep). I'm still learning what works best for me, and how I can still be fully present with the people I'm physically present with. Thanks so much for reading and making this such a blast! I hope it's a blessing to you, as I know it's been for me.

3. I'm still learning how to handle rejection.
I've actually got a post planned for this in the near future. Back in the day, it seemed that my "rejection" was really only in the realm of boys (I even had one turn me down when I asked him to Sadie Hawkins). You can tell a girl that she's "intimidating" all you want, but it doesn't help her feel wanted. Thankfully, I've got a great love story that was worth waiting for. But now that I'm a "grown-up", I've experienced a bit more rejection in other areas. Whether it's applying for something or trying to make new friends, it's been hard to put myself out there and feel like I'm not wanted... and it's not something anyone really likes to feel. But in those moments, I've continued to turn my focus to the Lord, and to know that I am known, loved, and wanted in His eyes. That His plans are far greater than mine. And that's all that truly matters.

Some beautiful flowers the hubs surprised me with one week.
4. I'm still learning how to navigate through my feelings.
If you saw my post last week on conflict, you know that a big part of life involves hard conversations with others. Sometimes, the first step in successfully navigating these conversations is just figuring out what the heck I'm even thinking and feeling. (And for us ladies, that can be really hard to determine. Sorry guys!) Lately, I've been working on being slow to speak and quick to listen, which are both Biblical concepts. I'm realizing that I need to really find the heart of the matter before I decide to confront someone in a graceful manner.

5. I'm still learning how to block out the world and be still.
In a full, busy world like mine, sometimes the hardest thing to do is just take the time to be quiet and still. Even just the other night, Aaron was off at a Chiefs game and I found myself with a rare night at home with no plans and no one to really hang out with. Extrovert that I am, I asked around to see who was available. Everyone seemed to have conflicts, and I realized this may be a time the Lord was giving me to just be still and spend a little time with Him. And if I'm honest, that's been a struggle lately. I know I need to keep working in this area to make stillness a priority, even if it's hard and my mind seems to be going a million miles an hour.

What are you learning? Are there things in your life that you're still working on? I've love to hear them in the comments below, or on the Currently, Kelsie Facebook page! Have a wonderful weekend friends!



  1. Well, dear Kelsie, I'm still learning all these things, too...and I am much, much older than you! I don't know if that's encouraging or discouraging...I mean it in the spirit of #LFEO--which I've stopped by from! Thanks for co-hosting this fabulous party. As for patience, I'm learning that it shuts up, puts up, and gives up! It doesn't say what it wants to say; it puts up with others; and it gives up its "right" to get back at someone. Blessings to you as you, like all of us, continue to learn...

    1. Thanks for your words, Elizabeth! I think it's encouraging in a relatable way. Thanks for stopping by, it's so fun co-hosting this party. I love your words about patience- I know I'll be learning for the rest of my life :)

  2. I just stumbled across your blog on The Blogging Elite, and I'm so glad I did! I love everything you mentioned in this post because I've been struggling with a lot of similar things. Juggling technology and life is a huge one for me as well as being more patient. I know that these things won't appear over night, but working on it each day will help in the long run. Thanks so much for sharing this post--definitely spoke to me in more ways than one! Commenting from!

    1. Kiara, I'm so glad you stumbled over :) I'm glad you were able to relate to the post and that it spoke to you- that's totally my goal and heart in it! I'm right there with you sister- they aren't going to change right away, but there are things we can consciously choose to focus and work on day by day. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your heart :)

  3. This is a great post! I also find it hard to block out the world and be still, but think that is so important. - Trish at View from the Birdhouse

    1. Thanks, Trish! I agree. I'm increasingly aware that it's something I need to be working on. Now it's just making it happen!

  4. So many good lessons here! I've been learning a lot of this too. I'd say the biggest one for me has been learning to balance blogging with real life, especially as I know I might transition into more intentional, time consuming blogging next year with baby. It's hard to balance and I think you've been doing a great job by including all your Moment posts and Friday posts! I'm sure stuff will calm down a bit after softball too (even though I bet your girls will miss their rock star coach!). Hope you enjoy a slower weekend!

    1. I'm sure that's a lot to be thinking about, Lauren! It definitely is a lot to balance, and boy did I underestimate how much time it took (especially if you're wading through 60 plus emails like you've been lately!). I appreciate your kind words of encouragement- softball is definitely winding down and I'll feel like I've got more of my life back. But for the last few months, I feel like I at least did a decent job of keeping some consistency. I'm sure it will look a little different for you with baby asking for some attention, but I have no doubt you'll do great! Hope you're doing well!

  5. Very nice post. I need to be more patient as well. I also feel ya regarding blogging. I have been blogging a lot and while I love writing, it takes a lot of time and energy xxx

    1. Thanks Joanna! Why does patience have to be so dang hard? It's like we have to be patient with ourselves while learning patience... I love writing as well, and it is definitely a blast but is also a huge commitment. But if we love it, it's worth it, so long as it doesn't hurt our other relationships!

  6. These are all great lessons to learn and I'm working on them myself! Being patient can be hard but it's something I'm really trying to work on right now. Showing the grace to others that I would hope they would show me!

    1. Thanks Kelsey! Love your beautiful picture (and great name ha!). I agree that we have to keep showing that grace to others as we hope they will show it to us as well! Thanks for reading.

  7. I am still learning all of those things too... one of my biggest is blocking out the world!

    1. Agreed! It is difficult in today's world. Thanks for reading!

  8. Oh yes, Kelsie. I feel like I am constantly learning. But how amazing that we can keep learning, growing, if we choose to intentionally do it! This past year, I have decided to say yes to things that make me uncomfortable (good things, like join the MOPS steering team) because it will be an opportunity to grow and stretch myself.

    1. You are so right, Ashley! Being intentional about this growth is huge! Way to go for stretching yourself! That's awesome!

  9. I have lots of similar issues mostly the need to be the perfect person to everyone; perfect mum, wife, daughter, friend, employee. Recently I've tried to be kinder to myself and realise I am the perfect me! Great post! #justanotherlinky

    1. I have struggled with perfectionism in the past. I'm finding more and more that I don't have to be the best at everything, I just need to give my best. I think we have to daily allow ourselves to give ourselves some grace! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Great post and so true we are always learning on how to deal with life. Thanks for linking up to #justanotherlinky xx

  11. Ah, Kelsie! Do we ever stop learning? I'm - well, older - and I'm still learning all these things and more! Thank you for sharing your heart. Joining you today from Intentional Tuesday.

  12. What a great post, really got me thinking and I completely agree we are all still learning. I don't think we ever stop learning, that's life. It's important not to put too much pressure on ourselves, that's something I'm still learning!

    1. Thanks so much Jess! I agree, I think that's definitely life and we have to remember to give ourselves grace!

  13. We don't stop from learning every day! Love how you shared your heart and things you are learning in life. I felt identified with you! Thanks for sharing! I'm visiting you from Testimony Tuesday Link Up!

    1. You are so right, Tayrina. Thanks for your kind words- I am so glad to hear that you connected with it. Thanks for reading!

  14. Such a lovely, honest, post. I find it incredibly difficult to listen first, then respond. That's the thing I need to work on the most.

    1. Thank you Elizabeth- I'm right there with you. Thanks for being real. We can do it!

  15. You are spot on with #2! I've been blogging for several years, and balancing the technology with real life is such a challenge. I'm still learning, too! #twinklytuesday ----- Amy @

    1. It is such a challenge for sure!! Hopefully it will get easier for us someday? Thanks for reading- I think we're all learning and have to give ourselves grace in that!

  16. Thank you for sharing what you are learning! Life is a process of learning and sorting through it is good for your heart, your soul and for others. Glad to be your neighbor at Messy Marriage today.

    1. Thank YOU for stopping by, Mary! I agree- it is a challenge that helps our hearts! Thanks for reading and I'm excited to check out your post!

  17. Learning so many of these things, right along with you, Kelsie! I just started blogging in May so the balancing technology part made me giggle. I certainly get that! The thing I've realized with time and age, I guess, is that we never really master these things. Circumstances change, jobs change, you add a baby and dynamics change so we constantly have to lay these things out before the Lord and ask Him to realign our priorities, refine our hearts. It's an ever-loving journey of growing and learning, but a beautiful one if we are willing to do it with grace and smile...most of the time, at least. ;)

    1. That's great, Katie! I'm glad I'm not alone in these :) You are so right- things are always changing and we have to constantly ask for refinement and strength! Thanks for reminding me of the beauty of this, especially when we allow ourselves grace!

  18. Found your blog through the #RaRalinkup! Your posts are truly encouraging and I am so glad I found your blog! Blessings!

    1. Well thanks so much, Savana! That's so sweet of you. I'm so glad you stopped by! Thanks for reading.

  19. I love your "I'm still learning" statements, and your post brought to mind one of my favorite verses: "A righteous man fall seven times and rises again." (Proverbs 24:16) How good He is to extend an ongoing invitation to rise again! Thank you for linking with us at Grace & Truth!

    1. Thanks Jennifer! I love that verse as well, and I love the way you phrased that. Thanks for reading!

  20. Awesome post, Kelsie! The truth is, we're all still learning. Great to visit with you today! Peace and many blessings to you, Love! :-)

  21. Every single one of the things you listed I can totally relate to myself as well. Thank you for being so vulnerable and courageous in sharing these with us. It's always encouraging to hear you're not alone in your struggles.

    1. Well thanks so much, Grace! Glad to hear that you related! I so appreciate the encouragement!


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