On most Fridays, I share a little weekly update about life, but this week I felt my heart moving to share words about other things. So today, I'm giving you a glimpse into my life as a teacher: about the things I love about my classroom. The things I emphasize, the things I teach my kids to value. The things that make it (in my opinion) a pretty darn fun place to spend our days...even if I don't have a window.
1. Laughter
One thing I love about teaching high school kids is that they get sarcasm, and they understand humor. Boy oh boy, is it a good thing...because what good is a day without humor? My gifted kids especially have some of the funniest, strangest senses of humor, but I love them even more for it. I've found that laughter breaks down walls. It builds camaraderie, strengthens connections, and opens up even the most timid of students. It relieves stress. I laugh at myself on a daily basis, and it makes me more real to the kids. Plus it makes room 408 a pretty fun place to spend our days. I teach the kids the importance of situationally appropriate laughter, and we laugh together when crazy things happen that unite us in a happy world of giggles and grins.
2. Relationships
I'm the most relational extrovert you ever did meet. Everything within me desires to know others and to be (appropriately) known by them. I'm seriously that girl who will strike up a conversation with someone in the elevator because I can't stand the awkward silence. (Sorry, introverted friends.) But in all seriousness, I think that building positive relationships with kids and being a stable, consistent adult who is there for them is one of my very favorite parts of teaching. I am also a coach and a YoungLife leader, so it just comes naturally to me to invest in the lives of kids both in and out of the classroom. To show them that they matter and that they are valued. To meet them where they are and to challenge them, while cheering them on the entire time. So I build this environment in my classroom. We talk in groups... a lot. We write and share, pair and share, and group work our way into forced interaction that spirals into some really beautiful friendships.
3. Creativity
If you've ever planned a unit with me, you've seen my teacher brain at work. I come up with all sorts of crazy ideas that start big and broad and eventually narrow into assignment sheets and priority standards. But what I love about this outlook on planning and curriculum is that it allows me to be less of a dictator who runs the show, and more of a facilitator who gets to come alongside kids on their learning journey. From veteran interviews and solutions to the problems they face when returning home from war, to trip advisor persuasive reviews, to TED Talks, socratic seminars, and more: my classroom is all about the process of learning. It's about brainstorming, ironing things out, letting creative juices flow, and then sharing the results with a whole bunch of people. And then celebrating our success, because aren't these all what life is about?
4. Communication
I mean, what good is an English classroom with some major communication? I tell kids every day that my class matters because they have to read, write, speak, and listen their way through the entire rest of their lives. And words matter. So does our delivery of them. How are these kids supposed to successfully work through conflict, ask for a promotion, or persuade a girl to marry them if they don't know how to communicate? And thus, we communicate. We share our ideas with others. I make them present in class (meanie, I know). And you know what? They realize they can do it. They shake in their boots, but they get through it. They defend their ideas. They become writers who know how to do more than just send a grammatically incorrect text, and that matters.
5. Authenticity
I saved one of my favorites for last. An authentic classroom is incredibly important to me for a variety of reasons. First of all, high school kids can see right through you if you aren't real with them. And if I'm expecting the kids to be real and to do real work, then they need to see that I'm real with them too. I don't always sugar coat things. I hold them accountable. I give tough love when needed. I also provide them with authentic audiences. I have them write and create for more than just me. I don't assign "busy work". I challenge them to enter contests, write letters to the editor, submit their work online. And I see how it changes their work.
I help them see that I'm a person too. I don't hide the picture of my husband and I on my desktop background (above). And I answer their ridiculous questions about sorority life, wedding colors, and finding true friends in college. But you know what? I think that my authenticity helps them to be real with me. They share their lives in personal narratives. They send me emails about what's really going on and they mail me graduation invites years later. And I feel a strange urge to both laugh and cry at the same time: because they were a pain in class and I constantly had to redirect them, but my heart will still always have a soft spot for them. And I love that they remember me and what they learned in my room.
So there you have it. My classroom is all about laughter, relationships, creativity, communication, and authenticity. And if you walked by on some days, it may not look all that glamorous. But every year as I say goodbye to another class of kiddos, I feel a strange sense of sadness that I'll miss seeing them, and joy that they all got along so well and made for such a great year. And then I know I'm right where I'm supposed to be.
I'm linking up with Motivational Monday, Modest Mom Blog, Tell it to Me Tuesday, Bliss and Faith, Sweet Little Ones, Testimony Tuesday, Intentional Tuesday, Twinkly Tuesday, Women with Intention, A. Liz Adventures, The Diary of a Real Housewife, Momfessionals,Life in Leggings, and Quintessential Mommy.
I'm linking up with Motivational Monday, Modest Mom Blog, Tell it to Me Tuesday, Bliss and Faith, Sweet Little Ones, Testimony Tuesday, Intentional Tuesday, Twinkly Tuesday, Women with Intention, A. Liz Adventures, The Diary of a Real Housewife, Momfessionals,Life in Leggings, and Quintessential Mommy.