Yesterday was one heck of a day. Lots going on that is simply out of my control, lots of unknown ahead. In an attempt for some sort of productive normalcy, I packed up both kids and headed off to run errands at Target- our favorite little escape from the house. Plus, I have gift cards so that helps me feel like I'm being resourceful.
We checked off our shopping list, Eli holding on to the back of the shopping cart and Addie snoozing peacefully in her car seat in the cart. Those things take up basically the entire cart, so I was shoving all of my items around her seat and beneath the cart- moms, you know what I'm saying.
We got to the check out area and all of the self checkouts were taken. Say what you want about them, but we usually use them because Eli loves scanning the items, and I like being able to see totals for what I'm buying. As luck would have it, they were full, so we were ushered over to a lady working the checkout and returns side. As she scanned the items, I started to worry about how late we were going to be home for Eli's nap. I vaguely remember her saying the total as I had her scan my Target Wallet and started handing over gift cards. It seemed a little high, but we were under a time crunch.
We got back to the car and I got the bags into the trunk, buckled Eli in, and snapped Addie in. Two kid probs. I then decided to open up my wallet and check the receipt, only to see that I had been charged an extra $20 because she had rung up my trash bags three times. Annoyed, I got all of my bags, Addie, and Eli back out and into a cart, and went in to get my money back.
The cashier (a new one this time) was kind, but had some computer problems as she tried to get me my merchandise card. Now we were really going to be late for Eli's nap time- sigh. I quickly grabbed the card and shoved it in my wallet, then threw it into the cart next to Addie and pushed the kids back out to our car.
Twenty minutes later, we were home and unloaded. I read Eli a couple of books and then he was down for his nap. Addie was snoozing in the car seat, and I had just been cleared at my six week appointment, so I decided it was the day to run my first mile postpartum down on the treadmill. Woof. Wasn't going to be easy.
While I was running and attempting to catch up on This is Us, I kept getting a missed call from St. Joseph. I'd been getting a lot of random spammy calls lately, so I didn't answer. (Plus, I was out of breath and in no shape to talk.) I even answered once, and before they could speak, I yelled at the stranger to, "Stop calling me," which is both humorous and embarrassing now. Remember- spammy calls all day. Finally, I finished my mile and looked at the voicemail they'd left me. A woman had found my wallet in the cart at Target and grabbed it to give it back to me since I hadn't answered. I didn't even know it was missing.
I quickly called her back, apologized, and thanked her profusely. Apparently she'd found my phone number by calling the number on my MSTA card and letting them know that she had found my wallet. They gave her my number- and boy am I glad they did. She gave me her address to come pick it up.
After Aaron got home and I took a quick shower, I drove to her house to get my wallet- not a single thing missing or disturbed. I felt like a crazy person with major mom brain, a little embarrassed, and annoyed at my failure to pay attention to the details. But mainly, I felt grateful. Thankful that there are still good people in this world. Grateful for Pauline and her kindness. Grateful that I didn't have to go through the trouble of replacing ids and credit cards and the huge headache that could have been.
There is still good. Even when things aren't always easy, and when we are inundated with the bad- day in and day out- there is still good. Maybe you needed that reminder today. I know I did.