I'm beyond excited and SO honored to announce that
Currently, Kelsie has been nominated for The Liebster Award. This award is given to new bloggers with less than 200 followers on a social media site, such as
Bloglovin', as a way to help discover and promote their blogs. Safe to say I'm thrilled and I'd like to give a huge thank you shout out to the wonderful Julie at
A Modest Vessel for the nomination. Her blog is beautiful, and full of inspiration and heart-felt encouragement. Y'all should definitely check it out. As part of the award, I'm answering some fun questions so you can get to know me better, then I'll nominate other newer bloggers!
1. What is one item that you could NOT live without?
Music. I love singing, dancing, and worshipping. A world without music would sure be a sad one.
2. Who is someone that really makes you laugh?
My hubby, Aaron. He is a major goofball, but so am I, so it works. I'm never bored in
life with him, and we laugh on a daily basis. Whenever we get into a bit of a disagreement, we always know we're over it when it ends in laughter (and it almost always does). He helps me see when I'm being ridiculous, and like
my momma taught me, I'm never too cool to laugh at myself.
Leading Songs for Vacation Bible School This Year |
3. If you could change your first name, what would you change it to and why?
I wouldn't. I actually really like my name, even with the -ie spelling. Plus, then Currently, Kelsie wouldn't be here! If I HAD to pick something I guess I would go with Keslie, since Aaron already calls me that.
4. Why did you start blogging and is this your 1st attempt at blogging?
I share a little bit about how and why I started blogging
here. This is my first attempt, and it's something that I've always wanted to do. When it came down to it, I love to write, remember, reflect, and share life with others, so I felt like
Currently, Kelsie could be a great place to do just that. I also wanted to share my heart, helpful tips, and faith with others, while enjoying life in my current state.
5. What is the story behind your blog name?
There were numerous times that I found myself wishing away my current years so that I could be on to the next phase of life: if only I was
dating someone, or
married, or
had a house, or
had babies, or
insert whatever you want here. I had to stop and remind myself that I am only blessed with a short life, and that I'm never guaranteed another moment on this Earth. I sure better enjoy every single second that I'm given, while still setting my eyes on eternity. This is why I landed on
Currently, Kelsie. I want to enjoy every stage of life that I'm in, without living in the past or rushing to the future. I want to live with purpose and adventure, saying yes to the important an eternal things, and no to the things that will only bring me down. I want to look back at the end of my life and think, "Yep, I did it right. Would do it all over again if I could." I want to be true to my heart and my God, and to know that I found joy in the little things, without worrying too much about the big things that I couldn't control. See more behind this, as well as my mission to love fiercely, learn fearlessly, and live full
Candlelight Dinner Watching the Sunset on our Honeymoon |
6. What is the best thing you have ever splurged on for yourself?
Our honeymoon. We had an amazing time at the gorgeous El Dorado Royale in Riveria Maya. It was an all-inclusive, which was oh so relaxing and wonderful. Our biggest decision was which restaurant to go to for dinner, and I'm cheap so I loved knowing that we had paid for everything up front and I could have all of the food or drinks I wanted without paying a dime more.
7. If you could spend the day with one celebrity, who would it be?
Oh, this is a toughie. I'm not necessarily a huge celebrity person, but I would really love to spend a day with Francis Chan. He has some powerful books that I've read (particularly
You and Me Forever and
Crazy Love) that have really made me think and live out my faith in a new way. I've seen him speak numerous times, and he is a passionate, vulnerable man of the Lord with so much wisdom, and I just think it would be amazing to meet and talk with him.
8. What did you want to be when you grew up?
A teacher. Guess I had it pretty well figured out! The only thing that changed was that I started out thinking I would teach math. One calculus class in and I hated it. Totally should have realized that I love reading, writing, and speaking, so English is totally my scene. Plus I get to be creative, read fun books, and
lots of other things.
9. What is your favorite place in the entire world?
Jury is still out on this one. Talk to me in a month after I visit Ireland, England, France, Switzerland, and Italy. For now, I'm a really huge fan of
Frisco, Colorado and home sweet home.
Our Home Sweet Home |
10. If you had a superpower, what would it be?
Flying. I could get anywhere anytime, and in a hurry. I love flying on planes and parasailing, so I can't even imagine how great it would be to fly.
11. What is the greatest advice you've ever been given?
In reference to relationships and finding the right guy, I was once told, "Run hard towards Jesus, then look around and see who's there with you." This is what I finally did and guess who I found right there alongside me? Aaron. The God-fearing man and leader that I'd been waiting for. The rest is history, which I talk more about in
The Story of Us.
12. What book are you currently reading?
I'm diving back into the book of Mark with my Bible Study girls, and then I just started reading an early birthday present from a friend:
The Day I Met Jesus: The Revealing Diaries of Five Women from the Gospels.
I just wanted to take a minute to thank each and every one of you all for reading and commenting on the blog. It has been such a fun adventure these last six months, and I am so thankful for your encouragement, your conversations, and your hearts. Thanks for sticking with me as I started this journey. Thank you for making a crazy little dream into something that has been so much fun. I am so grateful for you all.
Now I'd like to introduce you to my nominees. Please take a minute to explore their amazing blogs!
Kayla from
The Felicity Jar
Abby from
Winstead Wandering
Lauren from
Sobremesa Stories
Brandy from
The Dutchman's Wife
Ashley from
Grace Mountain Diaries
-Answer the questions given to you below by the person that nominated you. Please comment on this post with your link when you are done so I can see you answers!
-In your post, link back to the person/blog who nominated you and give a little thank you shout out.
-After completing the questions, nominate at least 5 bloggers with under 200 followers on the social media platform of your choice (I chose
Bloglovin'), and give them questions of your choice.
-Notify your nominees of their nomination, and provide a link to your post so they know what to do.
1. What is one item that you could NOT live without?
2. What is something/ who is someone that really makes you laugh?
3. If you could change your first name, what would you change it to and why?
4. Why did you start blogging and is this your 1st attempt at blogging?
5. What is the story behind your blog name?
6. What is the best thing you have ever splurged on for yourself?
7. What is something you're learning right now?
8. What did you want to be when you grew up?
9. What is your favorite place in the entire world?
10. If you had a superpower, what would it be?
11. What is the greatest advice you've ever been given?
12. What book are you currently reading?
I'm so excited to see all of your answers! Have fun.