Monday, January 16, 2017

My Two Year Blogging Anniversary

The blog is two years old this week, and I can hardly believe it! The last two years have definitely been a journey. To be honest, at times I've wondered if I should keep blogging. After all, it can be hard to juggle with a full-time job, ministry, and some much-needed time unplugged (not to mention the Baby we have on the way). But you know what? Every time I start to doubt myself, something fabulous happens: someone sends me a wonderful message, reaches out for a new sponsorship opportunity, or simply tells me that they loved reading a post. And then it all makes sense again, and I feel a renewed sense of vision for this little piece of the internet.

My Two Year Blogging Anniversary

Last year I shared Five Things I Learned in My First Year of Blogging, and I would say that they all still ring true: ESPECIALLY number one and number three. This year, I wanted to celebrate year two by looking at some of the lessons and highlights from the year, as well as share a few goals I'm setting for year three. And of course, I've wanted to take a little time to thank you, because this blog wouldn't exist without all of you fabulous readers!


It's been such a joy to see this blog grow during year two. Although it's not all about page views, pins, or social media followers, it means so much to me to see growth in these areas. Along with this, I've been excited about new partnership and collaboration opportunities. I've taken some risks this year with the blog, and I've learned from both the successes and failures along the way. My biggest highlight would simply be some of the amazing conversations I've had with so many folks this year, especially as a result of posts like Nine Reasons I'm Afraid to Have a Baby and 5 Ways I'm Conquering My Pregnancy Fears. Although I'm no counselor, I love seeing the ways that sharing these vulnerable posts has led to amazing conversation and community!

Top Posts of the Year (In case you missed them!):


  • Don't give up on a dream. Even when it's hard or time-consuming or scary. 
  • Be real: that's when you are your best. People want to see you for who you are. There are enough fake people in the world already. 
  • People are dying to ask questions, if only you start the conversation. You never know who may need to hear (or read) exactly what you've got to say.
My Two Year Blogging Anniversary- What I've Learned


Goals for Year Three:

  • Write a book? It's a dream of mine...
  • Grow my readership and social media followers. I've seen numbers double this year, and would love to do it again in the coming year!
  • One sponsored post a month. I'd love to monetize a bit more to help with baby costs, while still remaining true to the Currently, Kelsie mission and focus.
  • Add a new motherhood focus (while still blogging about other stuff too).
  • Take time OFF with Baby K. Like seriously, off from work, off from blogging, off from it all!

Thank You!!!

I just wanted to end this post by thanking each and every one of you for all of your love and support over the last couple of years. I so appreciate the comments, clicks, shares, and just real-life conversations that come as a result of sharing my words in this place every now and then. Thank you for believing in me, cheering me on, and pushing me to be my best. Thank you for making me feel like my time blogging is worthwhile. And thank you for filling this space with your own heart, stories, and selves. Y'all are the very best and I couldn't do it without you! I'm excited to see what year three together brings, and I hope you'll come along for the journey.



  1. Congrats on two years! That's so exciting. :) Sometimes I wonder if blogging is worth it and then I think about the friends I've made and it definitely is!

  2. Wow, two years! Congratulations! I can't wait to see where your blog goes with the new adventure of a baby added to the mix! :)

  3. Happy Anniversary! My anniversary is the beginning of January and it always sneaks up on me. We should do a joint giveaway next year to celebrate!

  4. Happy Blogiversary!

  5. It's been such a joy to get to know you over these past two years! I'm so excited to watch you and your blog transform as you welcome Baby K. Congratulations on this milestone!

    1. It has been such a joy to get to know YOU these last two years, Brittany! Thank you for your kind words :)

  6. How exciting; congrats! Having a blog is really so rewarding in that it's a personal diary of sorts and a way for you to assess how much you've grown as a writer AND a person. It's also an amazing space to document your life to look back on :) Cheers to many more years!

  7. Happy Blogiversary!!! YAY!! I love the lessons you shared. I really like the one about people asking questions. It struck me to be more intentional about starting the conversation with my readers. Congratulations!

  8. Congrats! Blogging is very tough and two years is quite an accomplishment! I think the efforts are well worth it.

    Clothes & Quotes

  9. Happy blogiversary girlfriend!!! SO happy for you!


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