How We Found Out
We got pregnant with Eli the very first month, so we really weren't sure what to expect this time around. I was comfortable with trying for another baby once Eli turned two, so basically during the month of February. I didn't get pregnant for the first three months, but then May rolled around and I was only a few days from expecting my period. I felt different than I had the previous months, even though I got sick from the KC water issues back in March and was kind of convinced I was pregnant then, even though I wasn't. Anyways, I woke up early to use the bathroom on Thursday, May 9th and decided to take a test. I almost threw it away shortly after, thinking it was negative, but something made me keep it (though I was half asleep). I got back up out of bed and looked again and thought I saw a really faint line. I just wasn't sure.Both Aaron and I inspected it that morning, and I sent a photo to a close friend who told me she thought it was positive. I took another test the next morning, May 10th and had the same result: super faint, yet a line. At this point, I was so done not knowing. I didn't want to get too excited about a false positive or test defect, but I needed to know definitively either way. So I dropped Eli off a few minutes early at his daycare, and then stopped by Sunfresh to buy a "pregnant" or "not pregnant" test at 7:15 am. They were locked in a case and there was no one working the pharmacy, so I was out of luck- who knew!? Luckily, there is a CVS right next to the High School I teach at, so I went inside and bought the more pricey ClearBlue test so I would have some clarity. I literally took it in the faculty bathroom at my school, and there it was: I was pregnant! I had to put on a pretty good poker face right away for my kids and co-workers, especially since I didn't have my pregnancy "confirmation visit" until May 29th, which was almost the last day of school.
When I'm Due
My official due date is January 19th, 2020 (although I was measuring almost a week ahead at my 12 week appointment). This means that Eli will be not quite three years old when Baby K makes his or her arrival. I had wanted to wait a bit longer to have another kiddo, and we are really excited about this age gap. We're hopeful that Eli will be completely out of diapers by then, and we will also just slide him over to the other bedroom and keep our gender neutral nursery without buying another crib. I don't have near as many days saved up as I had when I went on leave with Eli, so we're still figuring out just how long we'll take off when the Baby comes, but most likely I will only have to go back to work for about a month before summer comes, so that will be a nice way to ease back into it. To be honest, I'm a little nervous about going back and being a working mom with two kiddos, but I know that God always equips those that He calls to things (plus I've got some amazing help with grandmas, family, friends, and Eli's sitter).How We Told Our Family (and Some Friends)
Since we found out just two days before Mother's Day, we considered telling our families then (when they were all at a lunch at our house), but we decided to wait and tell them on another day. I was seeing my mom and Aaron's mom every week when they came to watch Eli, so I knew I wanted to tell our families soon, because I felt like I was hiding something. We also never tell anyone else until our families know, so this meant we were keeping it a secret from basically everyone. I've always had the approach that it was okay to tell family and super close friends earlier, because I was going to need their support anyways if something did go wrong. It sure was sweet secretly knowing I was a mama of TWO on Mother's Day!If you're a video person, just click here and you can see several announcements in action (along with my very favorite videos of Eli talking about being a big brother). I'll give you a hint- he is convinced he's getting a certain type of sibling! He just kills me.
For those of you word folks:
We decided to tell my parents the following Friday night at dinner. I needed to get a stroller from them anyways, so I talked to my mom about meeting up to grab that, then just casually asked if they had dinner plans. I had bought a couple of "One Question a Day for Grandparents" journals back around Christmas time, and they had just been sitting in the basement until we needed them. I planned to write "Becoming a Big Brother: January 2020" on a sticky notes and tuck it onto the January 19th page for my mom to find- with the journal being a thank you gift for watching him this year. I bombed on filming their reaction, but we did get a video of my parents talking a little bit about it (see video above).
We thought about telling Aaron's family that same weekend, but it was his sister's college graduation so we didn't want to take that from her. Instead, we waited until the next weekend, Memorial Day weekend, to tell them while we were all on our trip to Branson together. We used the same strategy with Aaron's mom that we did with mine over a pizza lunch. We also told my brothers and my sister-in-law at a dinner at my parents' house. My sister in law is a labor and delivery nurse who had recently graduated and gotten a job. We wrote in the card that she was going to be an awesome nurse, it's just too bad she wouldn't be at North Kansas City in January 2020!
We also had a lot of fun telling friends and family here and there with memes and the help of a server, over meals and date nights, and on our extended family trip to Colorado when Eli wore his "Big Brother" shirt for the first time. I didn't get photos and videos of all of those moments, but they sure were sweet. A second baby isn't as much of a "shock" as the first, but we still felt like it was worth celebrating and trying to tell people in some fun ways!
How I'm Feeling
I'm at 13 weeks pregnant, and all in all, I've been feeling pretty great! Compared to when I was pregnant with Eli, the morning sickness hasn't been as bad! With him, I was throwing up multiple times a day when we were in Greece, but this time around I've probably gotten sick less than ten times total. I have felt fairly constantly nauseous, and been pretty dang tired. Thankfully, I didn't feel sick until the last couple of days of school. One day while we were potty training Eli, he went over and fake puked over his little potty because he had seen me do it. He also told me that "Daddy's working. Mommy's puking." You're not wrong, buddy! But thankfully, just like when I was pregnant with E, this has all been during the summer, so I've been able to take naps while Eli is napping and rest as much as I needed. I'm so grateful I wasn't having to do that while being at school all day and wrangling Eli in the evenings. Also, let's just say that they aren't kidding when they say that bumps show up way quicker the second time around than they do the first time! Some of it is bloating, but still. I'm already seeing differences in my body that I feel like took much longer the first time I ever grew a baby. And apparently, I love taking my unborn children on trips overseas, as Baby K just got home from a 9 day trip to Scotland and England. Bumpdates to come!

Where I'm Planning to Deliver
Baby K will be born at North Kansas City Hospital just like Eli was. I have an amazing doctor that I love in the women's center there who delivered Eli, which was an overall fantastic experience! (Read all about his birth story here!) I know the drill there and feel very confident in the labor and delivery and mom and baby teams there. Of course we have no idea what this labor and delivery will look like, especially since Eli was ten days early, but I've got a bit more experience this time around, so no childbirth classes or as much reading for me!
Are We Going to Find Out the Gender? Do We Want a Boy or Girl?
In case you didn't know, we didn't find out if Eli was a boy or girl, so it was a total surprise the day he was born. (Here are our reasons why if you're curious, or are considering waiting for a surprise too!) People have asked us if we're going to find out this time, and I don't think we are! We already have gender neutral stuff for those first few weeks. We LOVED having Aaron tell me it was a boy in the delivery room, and of course we really just wanted a healthy baby. We would love to have a girl, and Eli is convinced he's getting a baby sister, but we also think that having brothers would be super fun (and not disappointing)!! We have always talked about having three kids, so it's not necessarily out of the question to have another shot at a girl if we have a boy this time. We'll see what happens!
Aaron and I are so, so grateful for the chance to love on another precious life, and we feel so blessed and overjoyed that Eli will be a big brother. Growing our family has always been a dream of ours, and we just pray this baby will continue to grow healthy and strong and will love Jesus with all that they have! We already love this precious gift so much. Thanks for being a part of this adventure with us!
What an exciting time! Congrats! Gender neutral is a great idea that way you get more use out of items.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I agree!
Deleteahh congrats!! so exciting! I keep feeling like this is the age gap we'll ultimately have when we go for a second!
ReplyDeleteThank so much! I think it will be perfect!
DeleteAhhh! Congrats! Gender neutral is the way to go!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! I agree!
DeleteWhat exciting news! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Monica!