Eli's Six Month Update
Holy smokes, Eli is half a year old!! I can't believe how fast the time has gone- it truly does go just as fast as everyone tells you. Since we had a six month doctor's appointment, I actually have solid numbers this month. Eli is weighing in at 16 pounds and 2 ounces, which puts him at the 21st percentile in weight. He is 26.5 inches long, which is the 38th percentile in length. Rounding out his numbers is his big ole 17 inch noggin, which puts him in the 40th percentile for head circumference. He is growing healthy, big, and strong, and we couldn't be more blessed. And those eyes!!This month, Eli spent lots of time splashing in the pool and playing in his exersaucer. He started daycare, where he goes to an amazing in-home three days a week, and then plays with his Grandma Elaina at our house the other two days. He's doing great with it, and seems to love being around other kids, while also enjoying taking two two-hour naps a day. He made it solely breastfeeding for six months, and usually eats every four hours before he goes to bed around 8:30. We are just starting to try solids, and are still working on sitting up.
E also visited Columbia for the first time this month for a baby shower (go Tigers). He actually got to visit Mock Recruitment and see Aunt Angie and the Theta house! He's still rocking 3-6 month clothes, and is about to outgrow size 2 diapers. He loves clapping his hands and watching Mama and Daddy play basketball at church. He's still a snuggler, which Mama loves! We love you so much Eli, no matter what, and we always will!
Back to School
The biggest change for us this month was going back to school, which meant going back to work (for me) after almost six months off with our baby boy. To be honest, I was totally not excited to go back and leave Eli behind. I basically cried myself to sleep a couple nights before just thinking about it. But once I got into my routine (which includes getting up an HOUR earlier than I did pre-baby), I was actually surprised at how normal and easy it felt to be back. I am blessed with thoughtful co-workers and friends who have supported me and made the transition much easier. Nearly all of them are working moms, so they get it! It definitely helps to know that he's in good hands during the day too. Pumping multiple times a day is a pain and has to be structured when it fits into the school schedule, but I am thankful I can continue to feed my baby. I truly do enjoy my job and I teach a lot of fabulous kiddos who make the day go quickly, but when that bell rings I'm out and ready for my favorite kiddo of all! Every afternoon when I come home, I really cherish my time with Eli, and you better believe I love all of the snuggles, baths, books, and laughs. I think I'll like snow days this year :)A Weekend in Des Moines
Last weekend, we were able to squeeze in a quick Des Moines trip to see our very dear friends and their sweet, almost two-year old daughter. She really enjoyed playing with Eli, and kept yelling "Baby! Baby!" It was pretty fun to see the two of them together, and Eli saw Iowa for the first time! A weekend filled with laughter, cheese plates, Rook games, and some parents-only trip planning is always a good one. I even managed to fit in my six mile long run for my half-marathon training. The weekend went too fast, as they always seem to do!Showers and Fun
Another fun part of August was getting to attend a baby shower and a bridal shower for some awesome ladies. Marriage and being a mom are two of the best things I'll ever do, and it's so fun and exciting to help cheer and usher my friends into these new chapters of their lives. Eli attended both showers with me, and he did awesome! He napped through both of them (without crying and fighting me), and he was a champ in the backseat by himself for the two hour drive to and from Columbia- all in one day!In Case You Missed Them:
I Carried YouMy Travel Bucket List
Visiting Baltimore with Kids
August was a big month for us. I stepped into the world of the working mom, watched my sweet son grow and become even more fun, and got to celebrate and hang out with some fabulous friends. We are so blessed. I am excited for the fall, and I look forward to all that we are sure to enjoy in the coming months. Love to you all!!
Awww seems like August was a great month for you guys! Those photo's of your son are too cute!
ReplyDeleteIt was so fun! And thanks!!