Saturday, February 23, 2019

Two: A Birthday Letter to My Eli

To My Big Two Year Old E,

It's strange to think that you won't remember this year of your life, but I hope I always will. Your sweet little blonde hair that refuses to give up its stubborn bedhead ways after every three hour nap, the precious little grin that makes your eyes squint just like mine, and the way you fit perfectly in my lap when we're chanting "I think I can" and tapping along on your "Choo Choo" book just one more time before bed. The way you incessantly ask for more "crack-oos", cling to me when I'm forced to leave for work, and boldly call for watching "tra-toos" whenever you want Daddy to turn on Gold Rush and snuggle with you. I hope that I can remember the joy that you brought us when you were so little and yet growing so quickly. This time when even your biggest concern can be calmed by wrapping you tightly in my arms and kissing your soft cheeks again and again.

I know that this letter won't mean much to you until you are older, but I hope that it shows you just a tiny glimpse of how much Daddy and I love you. How we loved and cherished this season (and every other one) with our precious son- you, a gift from God, a treasure in our family.

I marvel at the wonder of watching you learn. You are inquisitive and curious, already climbing under your Cozy Coupe to "work on cars" just like Daddy and sketching masterpieces with your bathtub crayons. You are a helper, always game to put the laundry away, wipe a paper towel on the window, or help me unload the dishwasher, one fork at a time. You are a little parrot, repeating every word and every song, lifting up your own little melody of praise when I least expect it, or getting mad when Daddy and I forget to hold your hold while we're praying. You are kind and thoughtful, always telling people "Bye Bye", "Night Night", and "Love You". Oh sweet boy, it is such a privilege to be your mama.

I can't quite explain the feeling I have when you run over to me in those pants you can't quite keep up around your skinny waist. The feeling of wonder and pride when you ask me to put on your shoes so you can "run run" fast, or "step and throw". You beg for me to "giddy up" with you around the kitchen, lifting your hands in the air and boogying with such joy. You plead for just one more piece of bacon, one more fry, and one more cookie. To ride in Daddy's truck or to go outside and slide just one more time, saying "No" and "Okay". but never "Yes". It's so hard to tell you no because it brings me such joy to see you happy.

But sometimes I do say no, even though it may mean tears and a tantrum, because at the end of the day, I love you so much that I know you must learn how to deal with rejection. How to follow the rules, how to handle your emotions, how to listen and disagree and still be a calm and rational human. I want the best for you, and sometimes that may mean that you don't always get what you want. But some day, I promise you'll thank me for that.

But on this day, your second birthday, your 730th day on this Earth, I'm not wishing it was some day already. I'm holding tight to this world of Pete the Cat and Paw Patrol, SleepSacks and snuggles. I will do my very best to not wish any time away because I know that it will go so very quickly. It already has. So here's to you, my little love. You light up my world. I know that you have your moments, and will continue to, but I also know that we have so many wonderful moments ahead that will make even the most frustrating two-year old behavior fade away from my memory. Here's to another whole year of loving and learning and living life to the full.

I love you so much, no matter what, and I always will.



  1. This post warms my heart. I have a 13 year old and I miss these days so so much. Your boy is adorable!

    1. Thank you so much! These days are going too quickly!

  2. This is so sweet and such a good idea. I miss my girls' 2 year old cheeks!

    1. Thank you! I'm trying not to think about the days when I'll no longer be allowed to kiss his cheeks!!

  3. I love this! This will help the memories stay. He is too cute. I can't wait to write letters like this one day. Have you thought of creating an email address to send these letters and pictures to that you can later give him the password to when he is older? I have heard of several parents doing this.

    1. Thank you so much! I am hoping. And yes, I've heard of that too- so cool!

  4. Awww - this post gave me all the feels! I love that you did this and now he'll have it to look back on. Great idea! ♥

    1. Thank you so much! I hope it means something to him some day!

  5. How sweet! My 3 year old is having a birthday next week and now I feel like I need to write her a letter too. Your little boy is so cute! I'm glad you are cherishing the phase he's in because the days are long, but the years are short ❤️

    1. That would be fun! I'm definitely see it all fly by so far!

  6. Awww this is so sweet! My son turns 2 next month and I can’t believe how much he has changed already.

  7. This is such a sweet post! I can't believe he's 2 already! I remember following along when you first announced you were pregnant!

    1. Thank you, Rachel! I know, I can't believe it either!! And aww, thanks for following along- it's fun watching it him grow :)

  8. First your little guy is adorable! This is such a good idea. My oldest is 5 but maybe it's never too late to start. I have 4 boys and every time when they were little I would think to myself, I will never forget this moment right now. But then when they are older you really do forget somethings. Like I can't really remember them being newborns. I remember, but at the same time I can't, like how small they really were. It goes way too fast that I couldn't keep up with being in to the moments.

    1. Thank you so much! I don't think it's ever too late to start! Yes- I think we do forget so I love to write it down!

  9. What a handsome little man! Such a sweet post to write for him!

  10. He is adorable, these photos are wonderful and this letter is very touching!!

  11. This is such a sweet idea! Even though I don't have any kids of my own, I work with them, and I get so excited for all their milestones (I screamed when one of my kids started walking) and I also enjoy all the sweet moments. Happy birthday to little Eli! I hope he reads and appreciates this letter when he's older.

    1. YES! That is SO fun! Thank you- I hope he does too!


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