Eli's Twelve Month Update
Eli is a year old!! I can't wait to share more with you soon about his ONEsie party and all that I've been feeling as a mom of a big one year old. For now, here are his stats and fun new things! Eli is weighing in just under 21 pounds. He is about 31 inches long, and is still wearing size 4 diapers. He still wears a few 9 month outfits, and is mainly in 12 month clothes. It's going to be weird to start transitioning him into 18 month stuff soon! And boy is he growing and learning every single day!!
We made it an entire year nursing, which was my goal, so I'm pretty excited about that. We'll keep working through baby led weaning as Eli eats more and more finger foods on his own- and he can chew them all better with his six teeth (four new ones). He's still on two two-hour naps a day and sleeps overnight from 7:45-6:15. E had his first Super Bowl party, enjoyed his first Winter Olympics, and had a special first Valentine's Day.
This month, Eli started saying very distinct syllables in "dog-gie" and "dad-dy". He also learned how to crawl backwards down the stairs, turn his sound machine on, and put together easy puzzles. He LOVES turning the Xbox on and off with the touch button, trying Mama's food, playing with remotes, waving "bye bye" to the bath water when it drains, and making cheesy smiles.
He's very smiley when he sees anyone he knows. He's not walking yet, but is very close to standing on his own. He just loves crawling quickly when he wants to get somewhere, especially his bedroom where he likes to crawl in and shut the door. This little boy is SO sweet and chill and we are beyond blessed and totally in love! He truly gets more and more fun all the time. I will be sharing some fun photos from his bday (and his one year video) here soon!
Valentine's Fun
Aaron and I had a date night in planned, but we had a very sweet "Auntie" who offered to watch Eli for us so we could go out on a weeknight. We took up the offer and had a great night out enjoying our first visit to Christopher Elbow, Mission Taco, and Cleaver and Cork. I love both of my boys so much, and really felt loved that day (and every day)!Parties and Snow Days for Days!
We love, love, love hosting things, and February did not disappoint. We helped host a baby shower for a very sweet friend and her little girl on the way, had a couple Bachelor watch parties, and of course threw our little guy his first bday shindig (with two snow days and President's day off all in the same week). There's not much I love more than planning parties, and we're getting ready to throw my little brother his 25th here soon! So much fun!I hope you've had a wonderful February and are just as ready for warmer weather and spring as we are. I feel like I'm truly putting my word of 2018 (cultivate) to good use, and I'm excited to share more about that later. Love to you all!
omg hes such a doll!!!
ReplyDeleteYou sound like you had a very busy month indeed! That's really cool that you guys enjoying hosting events so much, I certainly don't think I could handle all the stress!
ReplyDeleteIndya || The Small Adventurer
Congrats on making it through little mans first year! He is absolutely adorable!!